De grappigste out of office-replies

Werk & studie door Karin
?Beste mailer, vandaag 6 mei ben ik niet aanwezig op kantoor?? *Gaaaap!* Het kantoorleven is af en toe al saai genoeg, dus tijd om de boel aan het lachen te maken als je even weg bent. Daarom: de leukste out of office-replies!

En om wat inspiratie op te doen, hebben wij het web afgespeurd naar de origineelste en meest hilarische out of office-berichten.
"I will be out of the office starting 27/04/2005 and will not return until 01/01/2010. Wow, that?s some holiday. I am way jealous."
"Dear sender,
At last they let me go on a business trip and it's even for a week! From Wednesday 16th of December till Wednesday 23rd of December. As I shall be enrolled in several exciting meetings and get-togethers I will have limited email-access. I'm sure you understand."
Van een contact dat in Afrika woont:
"I am out of office and Out of Africa."
"The email server is unable to verify your server connection. Your message has not been delivered. Please restart your computer and try sending again." (Het grappige hiervan is dat als je weer op kantoor bent, je kunt zien wie hier ingetrapt is en het keer op keer geprobeerd heeft...)
"You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office. If I was in, chances are you wouldn't have received anything at all."
"Sorry you can't reach me - I am in Greece for a holiday. My boss expects me to be back in two weeks, but we'll see... In any case I would advise you to contact X at # Y, she's much better equipped for solving problems anyway."
"For urgent matters, please call my secretary on a similar phone number I have, starting with +31 for Holland. Do not attempt to mail her, for she's not comfortable reading from a screen all day. If you make it look like a magazine, though, she might give it a try."
"I am currently out of the office at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the position. Please be prepared for my mood."
?My brain is currently out of the office ? it will hopefully be returning on Tuesday 25/10/05 ? for anything urgent please wait ?til it has come back.?
"Sorry to have missed you, but I?m at the doctor?s having my brain and heart removed so I can be promoted to our management team."
"I will be unable to delete all the emails you send me until I return from vacation. Please be patient, and your mail will be deleted in the order it was received."
"Thank you for your email, I am enjoying a well deserved holiday. If the returnflight is not cancelled due to bad snowy weather, I should be back in the office on January 4th."
"Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queuing system. You are currently in 352nd place, and can expect to receive a reply in approximately 19 weeks."
"I will be out of the office for the next two weeks for medical reasons. When I return, please refer to me as ?Lucille? instead of  Pete."

Welke grappige out of office-mail heb jij weleens ontvangen?
Bronnen: 1,2,3