70x leuke Instagram captions die je kan schrijven onder een zomerse post

De zomer komt eraan! Tijd voor zon, zee, strand én honderden heerlijke zomerse kiekjes. Of je nu een verre reis gaat maken naar een zonnig oord, of dat je lekker in ons Nederland blijft: prachtige Instagram foto's zijn altijd welkom in het leukste seizoen van het jaar. Maar, deze kiekjes hebben natuurlijk ook captions nodig... Op zoek naar inspiratie? Lees dan gauw verder.
Zomerse kiekjes
In de zomer raakt je galerij waarschijnlijk snel vol met alle zonnige foto's die je maakt. Daarnaast wil je al je volgers natuurlijk helemaal jaloers maken met jouw geweldige zomer, dus hup, alle kiekjes komen op Instagram. Wel met een leuke caption natuurlijk, om je zomerse post helemaal af te maken. Wil je het gezellig en mysterieus houden? Dan hebben we hier 70 leuke (en Engelse) Instagram captions.
Instagram captions voor de zomer
- The ocean has the friendliest wave!
- I'll just be here floating in the ocean.
- Couldn't love summer s'more.
- Tan lines are just kisses from the sun.
- If you need me, I'll be under the sun.
- Sweet sunny disposition.
- Spending my days catching some rays.
- Sky above, sand below, peace within.
- Seas the day.
- See you at the beach.
- Blue skies, sunshine, everything's fine.
- Happy grill season!
- Happy as a clam.
- Paradise found.
- You're one in a melon.
- You, me, and the sea.
- Mermaid kisses and seashell wishes.
- Good times and tan lines.
- Summer is the best I've ever felt.
- Summertime and I am feeling fine"
- HGS (Hot Girl Summer)
- Good things come to those who swim.
- I want to smile at the sun.
- Wake me up when it's summer.
- Cheers to summer.
- Dreams are made of sand and sun.
- Sandy toes, tan lines and ocean waves.
- #HotGirlSummer
- I'm dreaming of a hot summer.
- Make your own sunshine.
- I'm all about sun days.
- Follow the sun.
- The beach is calling my name.
- High tides and good vibes.
- I stay in vacation mode.
- Nothing but good vibes and blue skies.
- Sunshine is the best medicine.
- In a sunshine state of mind.
- Girls just wanna have sun.
- All you need is ice cream.
- You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream on the beach!
- Life’s a wave, catch it.
- Just trying to live in the sunshine.
- Life is better when you’re under the sun.
- Be grateful for good friends, hot sun, and clear water.
- Never stop chasing your summer.
- Keep calm and lay in the sun.
- Live by the sun, love by the moon.
- Summer nights and city lights.
- Even the sun is jealous of the way we shine.
- An ocean breeze puts the mind at ease.If life is a journey, the beach is my destination.
- An adventure a day keeps the doctor away.
- Life is better in flip flops.
- If it requires a bikini, my answer is yes.
- Catch me at alllllll the barbecues this summer.
- Summer, don't be shy. Stay a while!
- Maxing out all my vacation days.
- I like my water with a hint of salt.
- Catch me by the A.C. unit all day.
- Suns out, hamburger buns out.
- So much sun, so little time.
- What's winter?
- Hanging with my grill-friends.
- If you're not barefoot, you're overdressed.
- Summer is the best excuse for lazy days.
- Pool hair, don't care.
- Vitamin Sea.
- I need a six-month vacay twice a year.
- Ice cream is a food group.
- Where can I get more vacation days?
Welke captions zijn jouw favorieten?